John Wesley
JOHN WESLEY belongs to a “fraternity” of actors, rooted deeply in the American theatre with a strong educational background, stemming from a life-long history of activism, social reform and a tenacious respect for the Craft.
- Actor (Film/Television/Theatre)
- Producer/Playwright
- Author/Teacher

The artistry of John Wesley.
His broad and varied theatre experience includes Ionesco’s Macbett and Lillian Hellman’s Toys in the Attic at the Old Globe Theatre, which garnered him an Atlas Award for Best Supporting Actor. Other accolades followed, including the critically-acclaimed production of Oyamo’s I Am A Man which received an LA Weekly Award for Best Ensemble and for John, a Dramalogue Award for Best Supporting Actor. Most recently, John was part of the Los Angeles Ovation Award winning production of Stick Fly, which was recognized as Best Ensemble.
- ClientJohn Wesley
- IndustryFilm/Television/Theatre
- ServicesWebsite Design, Branding

Award Winning Actor, Thespian, Author, Teacher and more...