Celebrity fashion designer, Miguel Wilson introduces his first “Miguel Wilson Collection” at Phipps Plaza. The award winning mens designer offers his Lifestyle Collection composed of suits, sport coats, trousers, shirts and accessories.
- Client
- Miguel Wilson Collection
- Industry
- Fashion, Entertainment, Events
- Services
- Website, Mobile App, Digital Marketing
- Art Direction
- Winston Robertson | Blueprint Matrix
Digital Marketing
Social Media Ads, Motion Graphic Animations
Miguel Wilson App
Apple iOS & Android Mobile Applications
Through our “Website to Mobile App” service, we were able to create a hybrid mobile application for both Apple and Android devices. Using multiple web and mobile technologies we were able to integrate all 3 of the Miguel Wilson websites: MiguelWilson.com, FashionandPoloClassic.com, and RideToTheOlympics.org.
- ClientMiguel Wilson Collection
- ServicesWebsite To Mobile Application
- PlatformApple iOS Devices, Google Android Devices
- DeveloperWinston Robertson